Wednesday, July 13, 2005

'He's just not that into you'

While exercising hard at the gym today, I came across an article about a book with the above title. Written by Greg Behrendt, the former executive story editor for Sex and the City, and Liz Tuccillo, the book aims to teach women to stop making excuses for there commitment phobe, no effort boyfriends, and to find someone who really gives a damn about them. It really struck a chord, and I think it's so true, sometimes we all make excuses for people when they are just wasting your time. I felt quite liberated by it, and it made me face the truth about my current situation. It can be a bitter pill to swallow when a guy you spent alot of time with and said he liked you, just doesn't call etc. It can get you down. Now I just think 'he just wasn't that into me', so forget it, he's not worth it anyway. I must admit though my good friends have been telling me this for a long time (yes Suzanne, Cristin and Ryan, I admit you guys were right!). I think I'm going to buy the book for good plane reading, well, after I finish the new Harry Potter anyway.

Apart from reading empowering articles at the gym, I have been socialising. I had a very random evening on Saturday, which I thought would be a quiet night at the pub. It began that way, until after 4 large glasses of wine me and Helen decided to go to her brothers house party. The party started slowly, but then for some reason we moved to the roof, which I coped with quite well considering my great fear of heights. After moving inside and playing interesting games with a toy car till 5am, most people left. I stayed till 7.30 for some reason (though I did try and sleep on the sofa) but overall it was quite entertaining. Reminded me of being a teenager again!

On the Japan front, I've heard some more about my house. It's got a balcony and a small garden, and I also have a tv, vcr, toaster etc supplied which is so lucky compared with city JETs. I've found out I have to do a 'demo class' in October, which is like an inspection to see how the schools English classes are and how they use the JET in class. I'm nervous already but know I will be fine, I quite like the pressure really. I also bought a digital camera and laptop today, so feeling really excited now. Can't believe I go in 10 days!!! I better start packing!


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