Friday, July 01, 2005

Life in a box

I know I haven't written anything in ages but life has been so rushed. I've moved out of Lancaster and also been on my pre-departure orientation for Japan so I haven't had a base to write anything. Here is a quick update anyway.

I have spent most of the last week packing up all my belongings to leave Lancaster and head to sunny Wales. I realised that most of the items I packed I haven't seen since September and I only wore about a third of my wardrobe! With this in mind packing for Japan should be easier. It's very weird packing everything away and knowing I will never live in Lancaster again. I'm going to miss the place. The picture of was the view from my house this past year. We were so lucky to live in such a beautiful spot.

I have spent most of this week seeing friends and organising things but made sure I had lots of exciting trips to places I had never been too. I have to go on a tour of Lancaster castle before I go, I've lived opposite it for year and it would be a shame not to have a look round. The castle is still used as a prison today!

I arrived home on Saturday, and as much as I do like Lancaster, I'm very happy to be home. I've left with happy memories but certain things were going slightly sour just before I left so I got out at the best time.

My pre-departure orientation went really really well. I met some lovely people and found out loads of information. My language classes were really challenging though, with the teacher writing in Kanji much to my confusion. I was useless, much to the amusement of one of the friends I made in class. I'm really positive now though, and will just practice loads before I go.

Things are getting exciting with only 17 days left before I fly! I have to buy a laptop and clothes and get loads of loads of gifts for the school when I arrive. I had to have an injection today grr, and have another next week before I go. Thats all for now, just thought I'd have a quick update for now.


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