Friday, June 24, 2005

A student no more

Here is a picture of me in the second year with my house mate John, as a student.

Well, on Wednesday I received my degree results. I got a 2:1, which I was very happy with. The whole day was quite amusing as the department supplied lots of wine and I drank at least a bottle. Then me and one of my tutors went out and got very drunk and wandered round campus, well, I actually danced around campus. It was a great night, but did get me thinking about student/tutor relationship.

The tutor who came out and celebrated with me is certainly one of my good friends, yet some of my student friends think it's weird to get on so well with him. I always thought that at university your tutors would be people you could occasionally socialise with, or who you could pop in and see for a cup of tea and a chat. I have to admit, I didn't quite envisage going out on the town with a tutor, but I was lucky to get on with mine so well. Most of my fellow students hardly know their tutors though, and wouldn't dream of talking to them outside of seminars and lectures. I think that's strange to be honest, because although I don't go out drinking with them all, I'd often stay and have a chat after seminars with them, and go to the pub for one drink after departmental seminars. It's a shame that many students have trouble getting a reference because the tutor doesn't know them very. I think that university life is better having a tutor as a friend, rather than a stranger.

Anyway, I may not be able to post as frequently over the next week because my access to the internet has become limited. I will be returning to Wales soon though so all should return to normal then.


At 7:22 am, Blogger Icciv said...

Thanks Mr.X but I was just wondering who you are.


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