Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Five things I miss from my childhood

As instructed by Rhys I have carefully thought about what I miss from my childhood. I am hoping the bottle of wine I drank before writing this will help me remember what I really miss.

1. Sunday Walks

Every Sunday my dad would take me and my brother on one of the many beautiful walks in Wales. At the time I hated it, and would think of any excuse to avoid a hike up some random mountain or round a lake. We would walk in any weather and my dad would make me and my brother wear over-sized bright red coats and hats. I now really miss those walks as they kept me fit and also gave me some time to myself. I would often walk ahead, and it allowed me to be the most creative I have ever been, thinking up poems and stories. I also loved the journey to the destination and have a cd of all the songs I listened to in the car. I have also seen a lot more of Wales and miss how pretty it is when I'm not there.

2. The Raccoons/ X-men

The Raccons was one of my favourite cartoons as a child, and even now. The theme music 'Run with us' was very cool, and you couldn't help but sing along. The characters were also really good, and you couldn't help but pity Cyril Sneer, the bad guy in the show. I really enjoyed this cartoon, but not as much as I loved X-men. I remember watching it and talking about it with my friend Jason when I got into school, and also singing the theme tune.

3. My Nintendo

I got a Nintendo when my brother got a mega drive, and I remember being very jealous. My Nintendo was old and not very cool, but I became addicted. I still never completed a game, but I loved it and wish I still had it. My favourite games were California Games and Super Mario. I loved it even though I was useless. I lost my Nintendo when I was a member of the college student union. I let them borrow it and the president stole it and never gave it back. I have since been given a Playstation but the games are too hard. I can play most of Spyro the Dragon, but when I got Spyro three it was far too difficult, I got stuck at level three! I had to go into Gamestation and ask for a game that was easier, which was very very embarrassing!

4. Acting, singing and dancing

When I was younger I was always acting, singing and dancing. I was in acting clubs till I was 12 and took ballet, tap and modern till I was 14. My singing I managed to keep up until I was 17. I would still love to do these hobbies, and my dream job would be to act in musicals. I love it so much. I did try and recreate my dancing days by joining the cheerleading society in the second year, which was quite fun! I'd really like to sing again, and have thought about having lessons again, but then I should really do something productive like learn a new language.

5. Army Cadets

This is a strange one because Army Cadets is so unlike me, but I was a member for over three years and it helped me develop as a person so much. I was quite unpopular at school and bullied alot, but it was very different in cadets because nobody really went to my school. I was useless but I made some amazing friends and got my first boyfriend. Although some of the people I met are now in prison, they were really good to me and made life in Colwyn Bay as a teenager so much easier. I got to fire weapons and run around playing army. I also met lots of boys and got quite streetwise.

Well, that was quite a poor meme but my long term memory is very bad so I blame that.

Anyway, last night was my graduate ball and I had an amazing night. I really expected it to be crap because the Christmas ball was so poor but I had such a great night! It was at Blackpool winter gardens which is huge. I managed to get drunk quite cheaply and spent alot of time running around meeting new people and dancing. I didn't get home until 5am!

I get my results tomorrow so I'm very nervous, but all should be ok. I'm also feeling very positive about Japan now, decided I love my figure (mainly my boobs) far too much to ever want to be a size 10 let alone a size 6. I'll be proud to be different in Japan!

Drunken rant now over, please ignore spelling mistakes!


At 2:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A. I loved X-men, gambit rocks mes amis.
b. Racoons were cool.
c. Wales sounds like home in Ireland if long walks and endless scenery are your thing.
d. I'd a wonderful nintendo also with California Games which I found impossibly hard. Twas alway Duck Hunt pour moi.
Cool post :o)

At 12:05 am, Blogger Icciv said...

I was pretty good at Duck Hunt actually! Not sure why. So, are you placed near Ryan then?


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