Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Welcome to Japan - pictures have arrived

Welcome to the island, yes I finally have internet on my laptop while in school, so I'm making the most of it. I have loads of pictures, and will begin with the essential people.

Let me introduce you to....


Just incase you had forgotten what I look like, or didn't know at all, here is a picture of me. It's a bit pants but the only one I have of me by myself, anyway, I took it on the ferry to Fukuoka in the communal sleep area.

Matt sent me a second picture of me that is slightly better than the first, so you get 2 of me!!!

The island folk

Here is me and Melissa at a kindergarten festival. Melissa is a 22 year old ALT From America. She lives next door to me which is really cool. She's really nice and pretty laid back so we get on well. Also a great person if a stressful situation occurs.

Carrie will kill me for this picture, in which she is fighting with a sparkler. She's a 22 (or maybe 23 now) year old ALT from Canada. She lives in Urakuwa, a town which is a 10 minute walk from my house. She's a very interesting and witty person and she's cool to hang out with, a link to her blog can be found to the right.

This is Lori, and there is a story behind this picture, we're not all crazy. Lori lives in Arikawa which is a 40 minute walk or 20 minute drive. She's 27, and worked as a dancer before she came to Japan. She's really good fun, and I see many a drunk evening spent with her as my fellow alcoholic on the island.

This is Catherine, a second year ALT. She lives on the other side of the island which is a real shame because we get on so well. I'm hoping she'll take up semi-residence in my house. She's 22 and a fellow Brit, coming from Bath. She's been really good about helping us settle in and I know she's going to be a great friend.

This is Sierra, a 22 year old American who is the other 2nd year ALT. She also lives on the other side of the island. I haven't got to spend much time with her yet because we've both been so busy, but she seems really nice. I'm hoping she will take me hiking as she's into walking and I look forward to getting to know her better.

So thats the island people, and I'm really lucky that we all get on so well.

The Brit group

This is the group I met in Tokyo, and travelled with to Fukuoka, Nagasaki and Sasebo. I love them to bits, and look forward to more travelling with them this year.

This is Jen, she's 22 and lives in Sasebo, which is just a ferry journey away. She shared a room with me in Tokyo and we've been mates ever since. I think she's great and she makes me laugh with her dippy behaviour.

This is Suzie in the capsule hotel. She's 22 and from Stoke. She's really good fun and a groovy dancer. It's weird because we have had loads of similar experiances. She lives in Shimabara which is quite far away unfortunately, but she still makes the effort to travel all the way up here and do things.

This is Alistair who lives on the island near me, Fukue. He's 22 and studied at Cambridge (do you recognise him Noel?). He's a really down to earth person and we've spent alot of time travelling together, I'm glad he's so close by because I can island hop and visit him, and he can teach me how to ride his scooter.

This is Will, from Morecambe actually, so not far from my university. He's a crazy guy and I swear I never stop laughing when he's around. He's 22 and on an island calld Oshima, 30 minutes from Sasebo. He's not too far from us, but he has to go to the mainland to get out here. Oh, and the nightshirt get up is because I asked if he would wear it for my amusement.

This is Matt, the Big Man, and he's a legend. He's 27 and worked as a teacher before he came here. He's also based in Sasebo and is round the corner from Jen. He's a character, thats all I can say. It's Suzie in the background by the way.

So thats all I should introduce you too, but I'm going to add some photos to old blog entries as thats where they belong. Please skip back if you want a look.

Things are pretty cool here at the moment. Last night I braved the gym with Carrie and Melissa, and Catherine stayed over at mine. Got to do a little bit of cleaning, though still havent tidied the toilet, which is covered in washing up liquid after a battle with a giant spider. Right, off to add more photos, oh and Suzanne and Cristin, thank you so much for your comments, I miss you guys loads and will call you soon.


At 9:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've forgotten someone on your 'island people' entry! .....mentioning no me me me me me

Don't you love me?!!!!!

At 10:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - Vicky! Thank you!!!!

At 2:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

loving this blog vicky, keep updating regularly and post more photos!

don't know who this alistair guy is, but he seems really sound to me...

'mascot's friend'

At 9:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose that photo will do. ^__~ I do look like a bit of a freak, but I'm sure better ones will come along...or they could just go to my blog. ^__~

At 9:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(and I'm 22, just turned. ^__~)


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