Friday, August 26, 2005

The brief enkai update

Okay, this is going to be a really quick bla about the enkai last night. I figure as so much will be going on this weekend another massive blog entry will bore the hell out of anyone reading it. So....

....the enkai was in the superintendants house in Aokata. THere was a ton of food, and it was all so nice. I didn't stick my chop sticks in rice or anything else stupid, and it all ran quite smoothley. We each had to give an introduction speech (the new/old ALTs) and then after eating had finished we had to mingle. I was promptly placed next to this guy and told he was single, which is quite a usual enkai situation so I found it quite amusing. Then all the members of the BOE had to give their intros, and embarrassingly he stood up and said his name, and then that he liked shocho, and loved red did I go?

Anyway, all these situations remain jokes unless you want to make them anything else, so thats fine. I then went to a snack bar (basically a bar with karaoke) with three others from the party, and we stayed there till one (I was shattered and had to ask to go home). I met this really nice couple though, who took my phone number and invited me to dinner. I also had to do a slow dance with one of the BOE managers! Getting up for work was fine though, my shocho was 50-50 with water and I drank a ton when I got in and had paracetemol. Right, should go, I'm of to Kitauonome ES today so no net access, and then I have a weekend of fun!


At 1:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello vicky, just want to say I miss you so much and i'm so happy you are having such a good time in Japan. I will come visit you very soon I promise. I will send you a package of any english things you miss if you E-mail me your address. Take care, be good!!! I'll call you very soon. Miss you.


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