'I was told I would be famous' (naive Nagasakian)

I have become a photo thief and I'm using Carries photos from here blog before I can use mine. Here is a the tram in Nagasaki, which just happened to have a hot guy (as Carrie would say) stood in the middle of it. I may bring my laptop to work tomorrow and see if they connect me to the internet here, would make me look busy too. Anyway, I s'pose I should fill you in on the rest of last weeks events, and all the gossip here, just dont want to bore you all. Oh, by the way, anyone can post on my blog now, not just registered users, so please say hello. I've had a few emails saying they've read it, but would like the odd comment :)
Nagasaki Orientation
We arrived in Nagasaki the day before orientation, and because your school/BOE pay for one or two days of your stay Alistair and Suzie were in a different hotel. THankfully Nagasaki is a reasonable sized city, maybe the size of York, so it was easy to get around and find everyone. The first night we decided to avoid drinking (I think my liver hates me) and we went for another curry and then to the cinema. Me and the girls went to see 'The Island' which I really enjoyed. The premise of the movie was good, and it was a gripping action film with a good dose of humour. Of course many elements were quite cheesy, and the love angle was predictable. It was interesting for me because of the technological side, and the current ideas about robots, genetics and society. It brought me up-to-date with commen conceptions and ideas presented in film, and again reminded me how far away the fear of the cyborg appears to be. It was also interesting to see the 'products' represented as the victims/heros, in comparison to how robots (such as the ones in 'I-robot' being represented as bad guys) are persented. I feel this demonstrated how different the arguements about genetic engineering and robotic technology are, and also the emotions felt about them. Anyway, don't let my random blah put you off the film, it's a film you can easily watch without applying any depth at all!
Thursday was the first day of orientation, which was only good because I got to meet more Nagasaki people. In general we knew most things and had to sit through quite boring speeches. The highlight was most definately the stupid questions put forward by some; this included 'I was told I was going to be a celebraty, but no one looks at me in the supermarket'. I swear there were tons of these questions, mainly put forward but one nationality, answers on a postcard please! Anyway, it was also quite amusing in our cookery class as me, Alsitair and Will sat giggling and behaving like children. That night there was a BBQ arranged for us, and I drank about 4 choohi's (not sure how you spell it really) and didnt eat much, and began to feel quite drunk. After food and a great ammount of socialising, the groups split and about ten of us headed to karaoke (I'm sure we're obsessed, actually Catherine is obsessed, she suggested when Alistair came to visit on Friday just the three of us should go! How weird!). I drank about 5 cocktails and something else and all of us were quite worse for wear. We left the place at 1ish and then me Alistair, Will and Jen all went to outside my hotel to wait for Ian (a guy from Alistairs island) who had my camera battery. He took an age to come over and we all just lay on the pavement having a very bizarre, yet highly amusing, drunk conversation about Matt - or BIG MAN - as he has now been named!!!
I struggled waking up the next day, and was 5 minutes late but thats was better than Big Man who was over an hour late! He met a guy from Lancaster that night, who I met the next night actually, highlighting again that the world is a pretty small place! Anyway, even though the orientation finished at twelve, me, Alistair, Melissa, Lori and Carrie went with a group to get re-entry permits in order to travel abroad. By the time that was done it was 3.30 and time to check into the Toyoko Inn again as one group. We went to China town that night for a chinese (obviously), it was really pretty there, and we tried on some exciting hats. The boys decided to return to the cinema, and me Jen and Suzie met with some of the Nagasaki girls to drink wine, share cake and celebrate Suzies birthday. It was a nice change fromthe group we'd been travelling with, and everyone is so nice!
The last day in Nagasaki poured down with rain, you got drenched even with an umbrella. Me, Will and Alistair went on a mission to get Suzies gifts while Jen distracted her. This led to one of my most embarrasing experiences ever. I went to try on a top in this shop, and the shop lady was outside being very attentive. I open the curtain and she says 'oh very cute' in Japanese. I look up to see if Wills there to get some advice, when she exclaims 'Your darling? Shall I get your darling for you?' and before I can even open my mouth she has scampered off to get Will. I'm stood in the changing room looking mortified, when she drags Will over saying 'Your honey is over here'. I show him the top, and then change quickly while she interrogates Will about how long we have been together etc. Apparently she ran up to him saying 'Your hunnie needs you, come quickly' and he was like 'what...ok'. I dread to think what he thought I said to her, but it was all cleared up promptly, and is now all quite amusing. We found some good gifts and then headed back to the hotel to get ready to go out. That night we went to the curry place AGAIN (it was amazing, the naan bread is the best I've ever had, they make it perfectly in Japan) and then we headed to the club area of Nagasaki. We went to this bar and played drinking games, we were the only people there but there was enough of us to have a good time. We stayed there until 12ish and then some people went home. We tried to find a good bar in this complex, but it turned out to be a load of hostess bars, and seen as it was 6 girls (and two guys) it wasnt really the scene we were looking for. Laura (a CIR whos so much fun) and Emily (also really really nice) went Laura had to do translating the next day. The rest of found this realy cool restaurant/bar near the karaoke place (after I had to stop and ask different people where a bar was). It had loads of atmosphere and was erally cheap, before we knew it, it was 4am and we had to head home (my fery was at 11 the next day and I still had omiyage to buy). It was a great night, and me, Suzie, Alistair, Jen and Will have become a close circle of friends.
The next day I made it to the ferry, bought omiyage and got home fine. I went to bed for a few hours before heading too the festival in Urakuwa (where the photo in the other entry is from). At first I was wandering round on my own looking for westerners (we're not too hard to spot). I bumped into these random australians visiting for a month, but could not see anyone else. I found my JTE and watched the beginnning of the dance battle with him, his son was in one of the teams! I decided to try Carries house, and she was in after getting sunstroke, so I draaged her to get food and Catherine came too. I tried to contact Lori (who is a dancer and so would have loved the dancing) but it turned out the Ians bag had been stolen and Loris keys were there, oh it was all a big mess!!!! Anyway, the dancing and costumes and fireworks were amazing, I cant believe how lucky I am sometimes!
Monday: English Day
One of my elementary school, Kitauonome, invited me, Lori, Melissa and Catherine to have a day with the 5th and 6th grade kids. We cooked curry rice with them (which was delicious) and then played games int he afternoon. The people in the school are so nice there. That evening me, Melissa and Carrie ate out, and it was nice to catch up now I was at home.
Things are back to normal now, except my kocho-sensei and my favourite teachers are all away. The other ones are still lovely though. I went to Kitauonome again yesterday to film me reading a book (I was only told 5 mins before hand and looked rubbish, but nevermind), I also helped sort some things for the demo class out. The teachers at that school are so genki, its great! Last night was Carries birthday, and we went for a meal at Georges bar. I wanted to stay out later but everyone was tired so we left at 10, it was sensible though because I need to sleep. I'm going to have a night in tonight, I havent had one since...erm...since when I first arrived. Though dont worry mum, I'm not drinking every night, adn not to excess. I can remember everything. To be honest getting drunk on the island is a bad idea, but in the city it's fine.
I'm s'posed to get a mobile today, though I don't know when. I'm being given one apparently, which is strange as most buy theirs. I hope its nice. I have my first enkai on Thursday, I hope it's fun! I'm going to Sasebo on Saturday to a reggae party. Alistair is coming to Kamigoto on Friday, and then me and him are meeting Will and Jen in Sasebo. Its a 6pm-6am party and it's s'posed to be immense, just hope the sun comes out for it. Its all go here!
There is nothing weird about liking.....being obsessed with karaoke! 5,6,7,8!
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