Friday, April 07, 2006

Welcome Party!

Last night was the welcome enkai (party) for my base school and though I'm not currently sat here with a hangover (unlike some other teachers) I am very very sleepy. I've had to get up twice and go for walks outside so I don't fall asleep at my desk. The enkai consisted of 3 parties, the first was the civilized dinner and drinks. I shocked myself by eating most of what was put in front of me. This time 8 months ago I would not have touched the raw fish, grilled fish, strange vegatables or the funny textured unidentified part of a fish thing. Now it seems so normal I'm beginning to wonder what I'll do when I go back to the U.K. I still could not face the dried fish, shrimp or fish eggs though..there are some things I will never be able to stomach.

After the first party we came to the time where people spilt to either go home or move on to party number two. I should have been more aware of what was going on when I was ushered outside and in the direction on Kocho sensei's house, but I was hoping I was wrong. I soon realised that I was the only female teacher to have gone to the second party, people never tell me they are going home! I often find that as the only female without a family I have no reasonable excuse to dart off early. I have to admit I initially felt slightly grumpy that I'd have to sit and drink beer and listen to them talk but then they got out the sake (a special Japanese drink) and it was strong and delicious. With such strong alcohol around the teachers started to get alot more lively and interesting. There was a great deal of singing, and people teaching me Japanese, which I like! Hara sensei (the music teacher) then insisted we go to karaoke, so I could sing 'Bridge over troubled water' with him, and again I was dragged to the third party by the hardcore drinkers. We all must have had quite alot to drink because by the end of the night we were all dancing! I decided to sing "5,6,7,8" because I'm sad like that, and was shocked that the teachers knew it, and danced to it! This is the first enkai where I've been jumping and dancing around the snack bar. Even the new maths teacher (who looks alot like Ryan, my old university teacher) was grooving on down. I was deeply amused! I love this snack bar, the 'moon half'. Some snack bars are just a little bit seedy, drunken teachers and office workers can go and spend the evening talking to pretty women who pour their drinks. I tend to go to those snack bars with my other school. The 'moon half' is more comfy and relaxed, and the staff are normal friendly people. It may not be as shiny as some of the other snack bars, but it feels far less seedy.

I managed to escape at midnight by getting Genki to pick me up. I have another enkai tonight, in which I meet my new JTE for the first time, so it should be exciting. I'm not going to all the parties this time though, at least I don't intend to!


At 3:04 pm, Blogger biginkyiv said...

You go ON withca' bad self! You show those "hardcore" drinkers what lovely ladies from the UK can do! Have fun and avoid the "futsukayoui".

At 5:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lovey,

Party sounds great! am good friends with a couple of girls who have just come back from 2 years teaching in Japan - both on the same journalism course in Newcastle. Miss you loads. Have sent you long email. xxx
Helen/Lorna (you'll see!)


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