Friday, March 31, 2006

I just don't know what to do with myself.

Today I've been extremely unproductive and not done any of the things I was supposed to do and instead spent a great deal of time reading this blog which made me laugh out load in work frequently. I actually read the whole thing today because it was just too funny. Apart from that we did move the new Kyoto sensei's belongings into his house with his family. He seems like a nice man, and it was nice to go outside for a while. Now, I'm trying to decide whether to go for a run, or continue sitting around not really doing anything. I have been allowed to run around the sports track outside, but I'm a tad nervous about the whole thing. I've never really been a fan of running, and these days, I'm not really sure how to do it. Of course I know how to run, but recently my workouts have been in the gym, using everything bar the treadmill. Running has always seemed boring or too difficult. I really really want to go outside and run, but what if I get too tired after one lap and just stop. Some of my students are in the gym, and my teachers are too. What will they make of the slightly overweight gaijin running around the track once before stopping to clutch her chest and fall to the floor. How embarassing. How many times should I aim to run around, as a beginner? Oh dear!

I have recently been having really strange dreams. I keep on dreaming my day again, but with small but significant differences, so when I wake up I'm not sure whats real. I also keep on having nightmares about things in Japan that could go wrong and sleep paralysis. "Sleep paralysis is a condition characterized by paralysis of the body shortly after waking up (known as hypnopompic paralysis) or, less often, shortly before falling asleep (known as hypnagogic paralysis). Physiologically, it is closely related to the normal paralysis that occurs during REM sleep, also known as REM atonia." as defined by Wikipedia. I think its because I've been sleeping on public transport alot of late, and that my sleep patterns are irregular. It's of course nothing to be concerned about, its just a tad annoying. There is nothing worse then disturbed sleep!

Hopefully I won't develop Somniphobia, the fear of sleep. Other phobias that I find amusing are; hobophobia - the fear of tramps, mageirocophobia - the fear of cooking (the perfect excuse for all men), Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - which is the fear of long words (which happens to be one of the longest words I've tried to say), plutophobia - the fear of wealth (though who suffers from that?), parthenophobia - the phobia of young girls or virgins (also slightly strange), Phronemophobia - the fear of thinking, which must be difficult to avoid, Auroraphobia - Northern lights, Russophobia - the fear of Russians (one of three nationalities there is a recognized paranoia of, the other two being Japan and England) and Clinophobia - which it the fear of beds.

Right, thats my lack of productivity for the day. Tonight is Yuki's farewell party and then I have a dinner/hanami party on Saturday. Whichever I decide to go to, I'm unfortunately double booked. It's so annoying that my evenings are very busy and yet my days at school are quite slow. Though maybe thats because I'm lazy.

Enjoy your weekends everyone!


At 1:40 pm, Blogger jewel said...

hey interesting stuff i learnt from this entry, thanks for all the definitions of the different phobias there are! I suffer from sleep paralysis and I notice that I only get that when I'm worried or stressed abt something... my first two experiences were scary cos it was new to me and i 'panicked' when i couldnt 'move' but was 'awake'. Later on, whenever i had SP again, i seem to get a good control of the condition and im not that scared anymore...


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