Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Should I stay or should I go?

We have finally reached that awkward time for many a JET, when they must decide whether to recontract for another year or not. The desicion has to made by February 3rd, and there are many people in serious deliberation. Thankfully I'm not one of those people, I'm applying to recontract. I'd really made that decision within my first month here, and even through homesickness and ALT/island politics I haven't wavered. I feel extremely lucky to be in Japan, in a job I love with great people around me, and also have the money and location to travel and save at the same time.

Unfortunately I have been possessed by the irrational fear that I won't be allowed to stay. It has been known for JET's who want to do two years, only to be allowed to do one. There is no real reason for me to think I would be one of these JETs. It's usually an extreme case with someone who's really been taking the piss at work. I don't qualify as one of those people, but I'm still not reassured. I've decided to hand my recontracting form in early and hope that any problems will be ironed out quickly.

So, you may be wondering why I haven't mentioned my holiday. Well, I'm waiting for the photos from Jen and Emilie, but we all had an amazing time. I will update you on the many things we did as soon as I get the chance. In the meantime wish me luck with my re-contracting...I hope they want me to stay.


At 1:58 pm, Blogger Icciv said...

Laura- Thanks for the vote of confidence. But I'm sure you were a great ALT.

Cristin- You are crazy! African hair care! Why am I no surprised! I'm glad you're so busy though, prepare you for Japan! Got my fingers crossed for you at the moment.

Ryan- Sad to hear you're going but I understand. Quite a few people are going this year. Anyway, this means I HAVE to visit you before you leave! I'm going to try and update more often too, though you are FAR WORSE than me :)


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