Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A special visitor.

Last Tuesday my mum arrived on Kamigoto island. She had been on business in Korea and managed to arrange to come see me for 4 days afterwards. It was so wonderful to see her. On Tuesday night we didn't do too much, just went for dinner at the yummy yaki-nikku place in Urakuwa. Anyway, the rest of the weekend was packed busy with activities as loads of people were really excited to meet my mum.


This evening we went to a Tea ceremony that Chisato san (the womans house I went to last Sunday) and Mizorogi sensei (the Tai chi teacher). I went half an hour earlier to be dressed in a kimono! They are very tight and there are so many layers! I never realised how complicated they are to put on.

Here is me in the Kimono. Although I will never ever look as good as a Japanese woman does in this get-up, I thought it was ok.

Unfortunately the tatami room was being used this time, so we had to use a normal classroom instead. It wasn't the same but it was still really nice. All the people that came were so friendly, and it wasn't as formal as it usually is

Here is Mizorogi sensei making tea and showing how to turn bowls the correct way.

Here is the kettle heater to keep the water hot.

Here is everyone enjoying the unusually relaxed tea drinking atmosphere.

It was a great night, everyone was so welcoming for my mum and she fitted in perfectly. After that me, mum and Lori went for dinner in George's place. It was great and Daisuke bought us all a drink, bless. George then invited my mum and the ALT's to dinner the next evening. He was really great.


I had to make pumpkin cake this day at Kita-sho. It was great fun and the kids all wore halloween costumes...awww. My mum had given me loads of halloween sweeties from Britain so it was perfect.

That evening we headed to George's, expecting to eat there. Instead he took us to this reataurant round the corner. We had some amazing food, it was delicious, and he insisted on paying for everything....which was far too much but really lovely. Then we went to karaoke (well mum had to experiance all types of Japanese culture. She seemed to have a great time. It was me, mum, Lori and Melissa, and of course George, and we all had a brilliant time.

It was another late night however and I was shattered for Friday.


Today my mum came into school with me. It was really great to have her there. She watched my 3rd year class, and then my wonderful kocho-sensei took her sightseeing and bought her gifts to remember the island. My mum was so happy! I wish I could have gone sightseeing though. I had to work :( it is what I'm here for though!

In the evening we went to this ladies house to learn flower arranging. She's a student at the eikawa and a really lovely lady. Me, mum, Lori and Sanae (my Japanese friend) went along. She was really patient with us and helped us make some wonderful creations. Mum is sending me photos soon! She also got us dinner, Japanese people are sooooo nice!


On this day I had to go on a fishing trip with Uonome chugakko. It started far too early, well Higashi sensei picked me up at 6.50am, yuk! It was freezing cold and I was very sleepy. Ages ago I had been asked what role I would like that day, cutting fish, watching or catching (pulling the nets up), and I went for the catching! I was put on a small fishing boat with 4 fishermen, my JTE and 8 third year boys. There were 5 boats like this that went to different areas. I was very lucky that Abe sensei had bought a 100 yen rain mac otherwise I would have been soaked! It was so beautiful heading out to the nets, the sun was rising behind us. The net pulling wasn't too bad, and the fish were huge! Quite scary!

Once all the fish were in the boat, we headed back to help the cooking finish and prepare the room for breakfast. the sky was full of hawks, crows and seagulls, it looked beautiful! For breakfast there was miso soup, sashimi and onigiri (rice balls), it was good fun and the kids were really great. I got a lift home at 11am and then could spend some time with mum. We went for lunch with Catherine and Alistair and then my kocho-sensei picked me and mum up at 1pm to take mum to the ferry port. It was really sad to see her leave, and I had really enjoyed her stay, at least I will see her and Colin again in April,not too long.

Me and mum on the way to the ferry port near Wakamatsu bridge.

The beautiful view from Wakamatsu, pretty yeah?

After I got home Catherine and Alistair returned from a mountain trip together. We all wnt to Karaoke together, it was great fun. Here was where the love story of Catherine and Alistair began;

Alistair in love

I recently profiled Alistairs love with the Big man, but his heart is too big, he just wants to love more. As Catherine found out as the sung Karaoke love songs together.

The romance begins with eye contact and singing beautiful songs of love together

"Oh Catherine, you are so pretty" says Alistair, "Oh, she's so pretty I look at her and giggle with happiness

Alistair sings his true feelins with "The power of love", awww bless.

*please note this is a fictional story, no Catherine's were unwittingly used in these scenes and no love is really involved.

Here are some other random karaoke shots.

Alistair with those wonderful Jazz hands, what a mover!

Me trying very hard to sing a difficult song, sob!

After karaoke we went to what I thought was an outdoor festival in a tiny town near my school. When the three of us arrived we realised it was a tiny event in a small Shinto Shrine. We deliberated for twenty minutes outside whether to go in or not. We finally decided to go on for half and hour maybe, and entered the shrine. When inside we were ushered to give an offering to the gods (maybe). You had to go to this alter and kneel and place a green leaf with a white thing on it, and then bow twice, clap your hands twice, then bow once more before shuttling away. The dancers were amazing and it was such a tiny place the performers were really close to us. Some dances were really scary, and the music is very eerie. After the festival we went to Urakuwa for dinner, yum.

On sunday I had my cultural festival, which was really great. Tha plays were really interesting and quite deep. I had to spin poi, which I was very nervous about because I'm a bit pants. I managed to master 3 moves pretty well, and combined my performance with trying to teach 3 kids the moves after. It seemed to go down well, it's different anyway!

Here are some of my third year boys at the cultural festival, aren't they sweet!

I had an enkai that evening that went really well. I though it would be awful as mmy JTE couldn't make it, but my Japanese has improved enough so I can talk about where I am going etc etc. I couldn't make the second party however, I was shattered.

Today I am at Uonome JHS, this morning when I got in my JTE informed me that he was going to hospital over second and third period and I would have to teach the first year class alone. It was scary but I was well prepared. I thought of a great warm up game and a worksheet and it was ok. I had done shogakko alone before, but never JHS. This was also the first time I had ever taught completely alone! The kids were really good though, and worked well. They seemed a little shocked when I came in alone, but they still did well.

Anyway, I have to go to elementary school now for a meeting. I probably won't write again now until Monday as I am going to Kumamoto on Thursday with Will, very exciting!

Also, Critin and Suzanne, thank you for your lovely messages, I love you both very much. Emma I miss you too. Also, Glyn, promise I will email asap.


At 6:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Vicky and Alistair for a great weekend! Alistair - I'm sorry that you had to put up with me all weekend! Thank you Vicky for the entertaining love story - if only my lovelife were so exciting! (sorry everyone - I must confirm that Alistair's heart remains with the Big Man)

At 7:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was a good weekend wasn't it? The 'love' story was very interesting, but as has already been stated once you've been 'touched' by the Big Man, there's really no chance for anyone else.... Good photos and an entertaining read as always though!

At 11:44 pm, Blogger Rhys said...

Looks like you're still having fun, I'm so jealous! (However, I DO now have a passport. Half tempted to jump on a plane and suprise you!)

At 1:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this Vicky; I can definitely recommend a visit to anybody thinking of it - what an amazing time I had on this beautiful island. Can't thank everyone enough - everybody was so welcoming, friendly and kind. It was great fun - if you're thinking of visiting, think no more, just do it!
Thanks Vicky - was a wonderful experience and so great to see you having the time of your life.


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