Tuesday, January 24, 2006

An endless list of things to do.

I have been exceptionally useless this week in achieving any of my targets on my overwritten 'List of Things I HAVE to do'. When I came back from holiday I told myself I would get everything sorted, and be prepared to get stuck into work etc. These things still aren't done, and I feel I can't settle until I pull myself together and get things finished. I'm useless at getting myself together and getting things sorted. I write my list of things to do repeatedly, in work, in bed, once I've achieved one thing. I spend so much time writing damn lists it's a wonder I get anything done. I write lists of the things I will get done when I get home, and never do anything when I get home except sit under the kotatsu feeling cold and hungry. I have finally decided to put my list on my blog, in the hope that maybe here, in this space, I will feel I have to get it done. Once everything is achieved I will write a post saying so. Until then, please remind me to SORT MY LIFE!

So, here is my exciting list to do;

1. Internet at home - Important so I stop using the net at work and also to get more net access.

2. I-tel - My phone bill is stupid and this saves me money on both international and internal calls.

3. Give my omiyage to the head of the BOE.

4. Sort upstairs side cupboard. - Needs to be done!

5. Finish ordering folders.

6. Worksheets completed for noticeboard

7. Lesson plans for each year till the end of the book done.

8. Special second year work done.

9. Hand out mums omiyage

10. Buy ALT's gifts and cards

11. Buy family gifts and cards

12. E-mail Cristin information.

I think thats all for now...it's enough. I only put done the things that have to be done, and then remain done. Obviously cleaning and things like, sleeping more, I have to keep on list forever, they always need to be done, so I've just stuck to da-able tasks. Anyway, I'm going to try and get some done tomorrow as I'm a loner on the island. Catherines going on a bike ride with George, and everyone else is going to Nagasaki! I have a festival at Tsuwazaki on Sunday, so can't go anywhere. I should use this opportunity to my advantage!

Other good news though, Cristin has been given an interview for JET, YEY!!!!!!!!!!! Its on February 3rd so everyone keep your fingers crossed for her. She's a great friend and deserves it more than anyone I know! Good luck darlin, I know you will be great!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, as this entry is more of a general update, here are the party snaps!

This is just a small part of the food we had at the party. It was really yum!

Jen, Suzie and George sit under the kotatsu and chatter, this is the upstairs spare room in my house where the bulk of the party was held.

Here Claire brings up alcohol and food!

While she gets in the party atmosphere, Laura and Jen doze under the kotatsu.

Dawn, Sierra, Sierra JTE and Yuki in my lounge.

Carrie looks happy with the party so far.

Will looks scared, Catherine happy, and Miles is just plain mean.

Alistair and Emilie get into a deep conversation about pronuciation and the benefits of repeatition.

Sanae, Carrie and Ellen are gathered in my living room.

We shift everyone upstairs for a lively game of charades, which did get a tad heated!

Claire begins her acting.

Carrie just looks plain confused!

Then George has a go.

Catherine takes her turn.

Everyone plays well, then starts to get a bit bored...

So, Yuki brings out the much loved 'EBI FRY' (fried shrimp)costume!

Andy gets in on the Ebi fry outfit.

Suzie has a go, looks very cute

As does Will who goes for an attractive side pose showing the true beauty of this outfit.

Then Miles tries it on, and still looks mean!

At this point I must admit, I also wore the stupid ebi fry outfit...and with pride. Though no one took a picture of me thank god! After this, we all went to Karaoke, and so the night continues...

Claire and Melissa start the singing.

Everyone squeezes into the karaoke room...I have NO idea what Miles is doing.

Jen, me and Suzie get on with the singing.

Then we attack some other peoples karaoke room and sing with them.

Lori insists on singing ALONE, with both microphones!

Catherine, Alistair and Laura enjoy the songs together.

Emilie, Jen and Dave enjoy the karaoke atmosphere.

Alistair spends some time in the morning looking like a monk

Everyone gathers in my lounge the next morning to watch Simpsons, and eat breakfast before we went to the Onsen.

Lori eats some mash from a teacup!

Here Melissa licks the masher clean after we make shepherds pie, yum!

There you go, all the fun for you to see. I bet everyone wants a go in that Ebi Fry costume now! Wish me luck with achieving my stupid list of things to do! Hopefully next time I will updating from home!


At 8:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant photos! It was a great weekend, thanks very much for organising it!

At 6:05 pm, Blogger Sierra said...

Did you get everything sorted this weekend?!?

At 1:59 pm, Blogger Icciv said...

Not yet! But half way there!

At 2:00 pm, Blogger Icciv said...

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